I stole this from my good friend Melissamerica and I thought it would be fun to share with those that might read my blog, however, I believe that Melissamerica is the only one that does!
1) One book that changed your life: Night by Elie Wiesel
2) One book that you have read more than once: The Ordinary Princess - an alltime favorite of mine and my 2nd grade classes.
3) One book you would want on a desert island: The Book of Mormon - maybe I'd receive some revelation on how to get off!
4) One book that made you laugh out loud: The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy - even though the real thing is no laughing matter!
5) One book that made you cry: Charlie by Jack Weyland - Oh the shame! But to my credit, it's not that hard to make me cry.
6) One book you wish had been written: I must go with Melissa, it's always been a dream to publish a bestselling children's picture book of my own.
7) One book you wish had never been written: House of Stairs - truly awful.
8) One book you are currently reading: Goose Girl and rereading Night for book club.
9) On book you have been meaning to read: Anna Karenina - I started it 2 summers ago and only got to page 331 before the school year started again and I had to abandon all pleasure reading for planning and grading papers. Maybe one day I will read the other 500 pages, but I fear that by the time I have time to read it again I will have forgotten what happened in the first 331 pages and I will have to start all over again!
Loved reading your list. And I love the pics you've been posting on the other blog.
I need to read The Ordinary Princess. I've heard good things about it.
I read The Ordinary Princess many times as a young girl because I was so Amy and so not her prissy sisters. There was one particular time I took my blanket and pillow and made a reading nook out of the bathtub. I finished it one day that readthrough.
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