Friday, August 28, 2009

Feeling Good

I am feeling great about my "no sweets til Halloween" goal. It makes me feel in charge of myself and stronger. Weird, huh? I ran 25 minutes straight today - Woot! I'll be ready for the 5K next weekend for sure. It's funny that when I started going to the gym and getting ready for this about 6 weeks ago that I couldn't even run 3 minutes without thinking I was going to die. The human body is amazing. I feel very blessed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I lost the big goose egg this week. However, I couldn't expect much because I ate terribly. Oh, I avoided the sweets, but my other food choices were terrible! I also didn't increase my water intake. I did get my 3 runs in during the week and I'm shaving off seconds every time, so that's good. I'm hesitant to do this, but I think it needs to be done. I don't know how else to reach this goal of mine. Here it goes . . .

I promise myself that I will not consume any sweets (candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, etc) until October 31st.

There. I did it. There is no going back now. It just had to be done. This also means I need to stock the house with other things so that I don't fall of the wagon because the only thing in the house is a tub of sherbet. LOL

Goals for this week:
1. 3 runs + 2 elliptical days
2. 8 glasses of water a day
3. No fast food.
4. Lay off the kid snacks - fruit snacks, crackers, etc

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What is it

with sweets vs my willpower. Seriously. I didn't do so hot on any of my goals this week. I did eat a few sweets during the week, I did not increase my water intake enough, and I only got 2 runs in and an elliptical day. However, I'm down another pound, so if I could just pump up the volume a little bit I know the returns would be better. This week my goals:

1. 3 runs!!!
2. No sweets M-F
3. Add 3 glasses of water to my daily intake

Since I couldn't get them right last week, let's try for this week and see what happens.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I did it!

I did 3 miles today! It took me 38:54 to do it, but I did it and I didn't die. Well, the day is young, so I still might :) I so didn't want to roll out of bed today at 5:40 to make my gym appointment and I almost didn't, but at 5:47 I decided I had to. Phew!

Last week I ok with my goals. I went to the gym 4 times and I didn't eat cookies/cakes/ice cream M-F. However, I did eat some candy during the week. Dang candy - it's my one true vice. I'm going to keep working on this one. I did move up one tier on my 5K training, so that's one goal I met. And I'm down one pound. I'm hoping for 3 lbs next week and if I keep true to my no sweets rule during the week.

This week the goals are:
1. Get three runs in and move up another tier on the 5K training.
2. Add three glasses of water a day. I have totally been stinking at drinking water.
3. No sweets/treats M-F. (notice how I cut out Saturday? LOL)

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Evil Nectar

Note to self: Do not make Butter Syrup for dinner when you're trying to cut out the sweets.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


I'm lucky I was already in the "get up at 6am and exercise" routine before vacation last week, so I'm happy to report that I went to the gym yesterday and today. Yesterday I got a 2.5 mile run in and today I used the recumbent bike. My plantar fasciitis has been behaving itself as of late and I don't want to aggravate it by running everyday. However, the Disneyland 5K is quickly approaching and I've got to get up to 3 miles before September 5th. I can do it.

I stocked the house with veggies and fruits and I'm doing really well at not eating cakes/cookies/ice cream Mon-Sat. However, I'm having a dickens of a time with no candy. I admit I've eaten some Hi-Chews that we got from Costco each day. So I'm going to have to work on the goal a little bit more, but I'm proud to not have eaten ice cream at all this week because I've really been craving it. Just say no. I actually had book club last night and decided not to go because I knew there we would treats and since I hadn't read the book, I knew I'd just want to snack and chat. I'm sad to have missed, but I needed to stay strong and I was feeling pretty weak last night.

Monday, August 03, 2009

The Time Has Come

. . . to start this weight loss journey and be accountable for my progress. It took me a full year after JT was born to get started. Isabella is 7 months old and I'm ready to get serious. I've lost 25 of the 45 lbs I gained with her, so I have 20 baby pounds to go. However, I still had 15 JT baby pounds to lose when I got pregnant with Isabella.

One of the random bloggers I read out in BlogLand has started a Holiday Slim Down and I'm joining. My goal for the next 15 weeks is to lose 30 lbs. I can do it. I know I can.

My goals for this week:

1. Stock the house with lots of veggies and some fruits.

2. Eat no sweets or treats Monday through Saturday.

3. Go to the gym with my gym buddy 5 days this week.

4. Move up one tier on my Couch to 5K running program.

Do you want to join me????